^1 is no longer available. To change port unlock the Connect Via menu or contact your network administrator. The address assigned to this Macintosh cannot be used on this network. Please select a different address. All addresses are currently in use. Please select a different connection. The address assigned to this Macintosh is already used by another computer on the network. Please select a different address. The changes will not take effect until your Macintosh is restarted. Saving the changes may interrupt any AppleTalk services currently established. Changing your AppleTalk address will interrupt any AppleTalk services currently established. A value must be provided for the network number. A value must be provided for the node number. ^1 can't be selected because it is currently being used by another application. The AppleTalk control panel requires AppleTalk to be installed. Please install Open Transport and open the control panel again. Switching from ^0 to ^1 will interrupt any AppleTalk services currently established. Updating your network number will interrupt any AppleTalk services currently established. Your network number is no longer valid. It will be updated when the control panel is closed. The preferences file has been updated by Open Transport or your network administrator. An error occurred attempting to use ^1. Make sure your network connections are correct. The AppleTalk control panel requires AppleTalk version 60 or later. Please reinstall Open Transport and open the control panel again. The network number must be within the range ^1. An error occurred attempting to use ^1. ^2 has been restored. Make sure your network connections are correct. The node number must be in the range 1 to ^1. The AppleTalk control panel requires the “Preferences” folder, which could not be found on the startup volume. The zone could not be changed because of a network error. There are no network ports available for AppleTalk. ^1 is no longer available. ^2 has been selected instead. The file “^1” could not be opened because it is locked or in use by another application. ^1 could not be selected because it is not available. AppleTalk has been turned off because your initial connection couldn't be restored. Making AppleTalk inactive will interrupt any AppleTalk services currently established. Node and network numbers may only contain the digits 0 to 9.